Tuesday, May 20, 2008


am i in the wrong to reach out... am i in the wrong to lend a hand... am i so terrible that people dis me, knock me in the dirt, spit on me... is my only chance in life a forceful one... do i have to beg for acceptance... wait not do i have to... should i have to? why cant people get to know me without judging me or making me do things that i dont find amusing.. why must i go out on a limb to make friends.. why cant i just be happy in a little world all alone?whybecause another human contact is esential on our lives.why.why must it be important to have another.why.why is it so, that people... hateful people...continuosly stalk the beeing that is the fragile mind? always trying to corrupt.why must we take itwhywhy....
im so tired of that word. question after question.. never answerd..must it be so that as we suffer here in this hell of a world that there is actually somthing to look forward to?to keep us living alltho we dont want to.yes there is somthing to live forthere is always somthing to live for..always..... a personalways ...... a picturea memorya special place you hold dearfind this special thing.keep it close.and smilejust smile... they say they are contagious and should spred like wildfire..but do they really?the other day i experianced one of these ...a look that would never make anyone smile ever again.a look of such hate and discust..is our world so bad that a person cant be friendly... not expecting in return and get such a reaction.why is this... could it be there past... mayb a bad day... but no... its the fact they dont like you.... they hate you... for everything you are.... stand for... try to be....how u look....sound....even your presence discusts them.... these are the people who need help the most.... the ones who hold guns to their heads and blades to their wrists.... what they seem not to know is that there is always sombody who cares for them... whether it be a nameless person on the street or their best friend... a women in the car next to you... a boy in your class.... a person who saw you walking and said wow i would love to get to know her/him... are we so blind we do not notice these.. i ask one thing from everybody... if you have read this... .....
smile.at the person on the street.at the woman in the car next to youthat boy in your classto everybody
let this be a new daya day of hopelovelifelet us blossom like flowers in spring and open up to everybodyif you see a person crying... even if you dont know them ... smile...let them know somebody cares... give them a hug....anything to let them know there is a reason in this world to thrive.....
your never alone your never worthlessyour never going to be the person nobody wants or accepts because some where, somebody is dieing to meet you
remember this please everyone... become kinder happier person and know what ever happens
your never alone.

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