Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fact or Fiction? # 12

In a recent e-mail interview with, Peter T Chattaway, a film critic and a christian. They spoke on allot of interesting topics regarding, the much debated movie, The Golden Compass. It seems that often times people like to look at the person writing the book before reading it. And then entering the book with a pre-set mindset. Philip Pullman, writer of the the fantasy book this movie is based on, is an atheist. Yet in his interview he tries on many occasions to explain that the book is fantasy, and nothing more. He is quoted saying, "Books which satisfy us and feed us and nourish us have to have this substratum of genuine truth in them, ... And i don't see much of that in most fantasy." Here he is clearly disconnecting truth with fantasy, be saying that this book is fantasy, or fiction. Later on he says "I had passed through the entire British education system studying literature, culminating in three years of reading English at Oxford, and they'd never told me about something as basic as the importance of point of view in fiction!" it seems that he is trying to say that people should take things in their own point of view. When people watch fiction movie, they can mental make anything seem to be something else. Surprisingly enough, that's why people call fantasy movies fiction. Even more surprisingly fiction is closely related to the word fake. Which is exactly what Philip Pullman wants people to understand. These fantasy/fiction movies, and or,books are fake, written to tease the mind, to stimulate imagination, nothing more. Philip Pullman is not trying to do anything other than write enjoyable books to inspire the imagination in his young readers. "[The golden Compass] a story, not a treatise, not a sermon or a work of philosophy. I'm telling a story, I'm showing various characters whom I've invented saying things and doing things and acting out beliefs which they have, and not necessarily which I have. The tendency of the whole thing might be this or it might be that, but what I'm doing is telling a story, not preaching a sermon."-Philip Pullman. The truth is exactly like the old quote-Don't judge a book by the cover- except that in this case, Don't judge a book/movie by the author. Take it for what it is..... a fantasy story.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


am i in the wrong to reach out... am i in the wrong to lend a hand... am i so terrible that people dis me, knock me in the dirt, spit on me... is my only chance in life a forceful one... do i have to beg for acceptance... wait not do i have to... should i have to? why cant people get to know me without judging me or making me do things that i dont find amusing.. why must i go out on a limb to make friends.. why cant i just be happy in a little world all alone?whybecause another human contact is esential on our lives.why.why must it be important to have another.why.why is it so, that people... hateful people...continuosly stalk the beeing that is the fragile mind? always trying to corrupt.why must we take itwhywhy....
im so tired of that word. question after question.. never answerd..must it be so that as we suffer here in this hell of a world that there is actually somthing to look forward to?to keep us living alltho we dont want to.yes there is somthing to live forthere is always somthing to live for..always..... a personalways ...... a picturea memorya special place you hold dearfind this special thing.keep it close.and smilejust smile... they say they are contagious and should spred like wildfire..but do they really?the other day i experianced one of these ...a look that would never make anyone smile ever again.a look of such hate and our world so bad that a person cant be friendly... not expecting in return and get such a reaction.why is this... could it be there past... mayb a bad day... but no... its the fact they dont like you.... they hate you... for everything you are.... stand for... try to u look....sound....even your presence discusts them.... these are the people who need help the most.... the ones who hold guns to their heads and blades to their wrists.... what they seem not to know is that there is always sombody who cares for them... whether it be a nameless person on the street or their best friend... a women in the car next to you... a boy in your class.... a person who saw you walking and said wow i would love to get to know her/him... are we so blind we do not notice these.. i ask one thing from everybody... if you have read this... ..... the person on the the woman in the car next to youthat boy in your classto everybody
let this be a new daya day of hopelovelifelet us blossom like flowers in spring and open up to everybodyif you see a person crying... even if you dont know them ... smile...let them know somebody cares... give them a hug....anything to let them know there is a reason in this world to thrive.....
your never alone your never worthlessyour never going to be the person nobody wants or accepts because some where, somebody is dieing to meet you
remember this please everyone... become kinder happier person and know what ever happens
your never alone.

Monday, May 5, 2008

"Outfoxed" not a sly commentary

Though mildly amusing - and strangely disturbing at times - "Outfoxed" fails to tell us anything significant that we didn't already know. Fox News makes a habit of blurring the line between news and opinion? No crap.

The documentary presents a pretty complete look at the Jeremy Glick fiasco that took place during an episode of The O'Reilly Factor. Bill O'Reilly, the program's host, "interviewed" Glick, punishing him for signing an antiwar plead though Glick's father had been killed in the 9/11 attacks. Following the interview, Fox News spin-doctors polluted and twisted Glick's message until 11 months later, O'Reilly was claiming that Glick had accused Bush of knowing about 9/11 and murdering his father- a ridiculous claim. "Outfoxed" makes a handful of claims, however, that ranks right up there with "alien abduction" and the "Tupac is still alive” theories. In the first few minutes of the film, Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and other high-ranking government officials are shown as being part of a secret right-wing society that views military might as the solution to most foreign relation conflicts. The most absurd of all the claims made by "Outfoxed" regretfully is the core theme of the entire documentary- that Americans buy into the "Fair and Balanced" trademark of the news network. Through each of its segments, "Outfoxed" insinuates that Fox News is "subtly" brainwashing the American public.
"Outfoxed" relies on the same cheesy gimmicks that Fox News does to push its propaganda. Though it was out of the ordinary to read some of John Moody's cryptic memos to the Fox staff, they were read aloud to us in a sinister voice worthy of a Scooby-Doo villain. In the end, the movie amounts to nothing more than an amateur, low budget project that is about as "fair and balanced" as the Fox News Network it critiques.

"Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism." Movies. 5 May 2008

Hand, Holly. "Outfoxed: Fox News 'Reports,' We Deride." The Raw Story. 5 May 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Argumentative Essay

All Americans love their professional sports. From March Madness to Super bowl Sunday, the U.S. is all about the “big game” and all the guts and glory that go along with it. With the Major league Baseball season already underway, and Super Bowl XXXVII having just passed, people may begin to wonder who has the bigger fan base? What sport really is America’s past time?
America’s best attribute is our freedom of choice. We are equipped with the right to choose what we want and when we want it. Just like voting for the president, you have popular vote and electoral vote. Both votes matter but popular vote gets you in the oval office. It is all about what the people want, and here in America what the people want they get, no matter what. Sure in 1866, way before Football was even herd of, baseball was the popular sport of America. But almost a hundred and fifty years later, there have been some major changes in the overall view of what’s popular.
Over the last six years,, has conducted a survey in which they illustrated the yearly peaks and valleys of visitors to and The NFL casts a shadow over the MLB like a lineman over a batboy. Simply put, America would rather watch a fast paced game. Baseball is more of an old mans sport, where patience is included. Football and baseball are the front-runners and the only reason baseball does as decent as it does in fan ratio is because these two sports are played at opposite parts of the year. Baseball had its fifteen minutes of fame, and now it is nothing more than the nations past time. (Carrige)
National pastime mat not be one of the most controversial things debated today, and there is no doubt that video games and the internet are slowly growing in popularity. But for now, in the sporting world, football is king of the ring, and all other sports bow down.

Work Cited
Carrigg, Ryan. “NFL vs. MLB vs. NBA vs. NHL”
3 January 2007. 10 April 2008.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

One Mic by Nas

Freedom of speech, ever wondered what that means? It’s taught to us are whole life. Freedom of speech is one small thing out of many that this country is based on. Our founding fathers decided that this be a way for us, Americans, to voice our opinion. To let our voices be heard. And that’s exactly what the song writer/singer Nas did. With his Album Stillmatic. The song “One Mic” gained a lot of publicity because of the lyrics, but most importantly the message.
Nas is a talented person who just wants to tell his story. And in the song he does, by saying how much it is a blessing to be out there, speaking about what's happening in his neighborhood, and having the whole world understand and relate.If he didn't have a microphone, then he would never be able to get his point across.Hes not here just to be in your face talking nonsense, hes talking about reality. For peole to be upset about what hes saying in his songs is insane. It just shows how ignorant people are. "One Mic" just gives him the ability, no matter what people say are how mad they get, to expose the truth.It may be a little crude, but hes talking in a language that the people can hear, he doesn’t sugar-coat any of it. Because the life he lives isnt sugar-coated, and life that some people live isn’t sugar-coated. So if it scares people and people feel guilty, people feel like they've got to make up excuses to why the world's this way, no matter what they say or how they choose to say it, they've got their mic, hes got his.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


In Pearl Jam’s music video “Jeremy”, a young boy is shown being taunted by classmates at school, running through a forest, and screaming at his parents at a dinner table. The tone of this video is sad, possibly sorrow. It makes the audience have sympathy for the character. And that is where the tone is supposed to be projected, into the pathos category. Jeremy is the only character that actually moves throughout the video. Shots of words such as "problem", "peer", "harmless", "bored", and "child" frequently appear onscreen. Also, the phrase Genesis 3:6 appears, which references the creation of sin, specifically Eve eating from the tree of knowledge and giving some of the fruit to Adam. Jeremy is later shown staring at the camera while wrapped in a US flag, surrounded by fire. The final scene of the video shows Jeremy walking into class, tossing a crumpled up late slip to the teacher and standing before his classmates. He reaches down and draws back his arm as he takes a gun out of his pocket. The gun does not actually appear onscreen, but Jeremy's shoulder visibly drops from its weight. The video cuts to an extreme close-up of Jeremy's face as he closes his eyes. After a flash of light the screen turns black. The next shot is a view classroom, showing Jeremy's blood, spattered on classmates, all completely still, stricken with horror.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Revised writing (5)

When turning in a paper to an English A.P. teacher you better believe that he’s going to read it and then comment about it to you. Which is exactly what happened when I turned it my rhetorical analysis essay entitled “V for vendetta” This essay has been one of the most challenging essay that I’ve written in a while. Upon the teacher returning my paper to me I realized I had a few minor mistakes that needed to be fixed. Which included spelling errors, run-ons, fragments, incomplete thoughts, overloading paragraphs, and rigid endings to some of my sentences. Overall I believe I did well on this paper but as you can see there is still a lot of stuff that I need to pay more attention to before I assume my paper is complete.